We want you to have the best possible start to your membership.

This is why we have put together three different starter options designed to suit everyone's needs

Please click the buttons below to choose a starter option


No help required?

If you’re confident in using our equipment and are happy with what you need to do in the gym, then that’s no problem…

Our friendly fitness team is on hand every day to help you should you need it or if you would like to start a new fitness programme, we can put you on the right track to reach your goals.

Fast track


30 Minutes

Recommended for Experienced Gym Users

This session is designed for experienced new members who know exactly how they want to work out and just need a very swift introduction to the equipment in our facility.

Lasting less than 30 minutes we will show you how the equipment works in case its different to what you are used to.



60 Minutes

Recommended for

New To Exercise

This session includes assessing your body type and muscle fibre balance, composition analysis and results in the creation of a programme that is tailored specifically for you.

The programme will include cardio and a personalised resistance programme to help reach your health & fitness goals.

Please factor 1 hour for this one to one session.