You don't have to be a seasoned athlete or bodybuilder to enjoy the benefits of a personal trainer. Personal training benefits both the person who has never worked out as well as professional athletes. Having a personal trainer can save you a lot of time, frustration and pain in your journey to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Working one - on - one (or 2:1 if you have a training partner) with our staff or certified, professional personal trainers will provide you with a highly efficient and more productive workout.


Growing up I was clueless when it came to anything health & fitness related which is why I ended up at the point I was at. My weight spiralled and started to control all aspects of my life. I decided enough was enough and joined the gym and it changed my life. I started learning about exercise and nutrition, documented my progress online and fell in love with lifting! At first, I was terrified but I slowly overcame all my gym fears and anxieties and started helping others do the same, it was only then that I realised I had found my passion and became a personal trainer to try and help as much people as I could from dealing with all their fitness related struggles alone like I did.

If you’re sick of the yo-yo “quick fixes” and ready to make some long-term sustainable changes to your life drop me a message at 07712 480597


Instagram + Facebook:

I’m Amy, the owner of Fitness Amy Smith. I’ve worked in the fitness industry for 9 years. My aim is to help my clients get the results that they are looking for in the simplest and most realistic way. I believe that everyone can reach their goals while still living life to the fullest. I call that balance. If you are yet to find the balance between your personal life and gym life or are struggling to achieve any sort of fitness goals then I can help you out.

Stop me for a chat if you pass me in the gym or contact me on I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding fitness, nutrition or well being. My clients results speak for themselves, take a look on my Instagram page where you will see some amazing transformations. @fitnessamysmith or some tasty recipe ideas and a little insight to my day to day life.

With over 20 years dance experience, fitness has always been a passion of mine from a young age. I enjoy creating fun and interesting workout sessions to help change my client’s relationship with exercise. Promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle instead of a quick fix diet is the foundation of my personal training style and I would love to help you start your journey. If you are looking for a new outlook on working out or just don’t know where to start, send me an email or message today to kickstart your journey.

Instagram: rah_wellness

Whether you’re seeking to enhance athletic performance, achieve sustainable weight loss, gain muscle or simply live a healthier lifestyle, I will be on hand to guide you through the process. Whilst I aim to keep sessions fun, There will be a no nonsense approach to keep you consistent.

Beginners will be shown correct lifting form & help working on your bad habits. Experienced athletes will be pushed to their limits. Injuries like Back & knee pain are major factors limiting the general population from taking steps towards their goals, surprisingly for most, these are easily fixed within one form correction session. Nutrition wise, you will be eating real food, no unsustainable methods or gimmicks.

I have a background in fight sports, over 15 years experience in fitness, a current client base ranging from ages 13 to 76 & I train beginners to champion athletes. Using this experience, I plan to help you enjoy the process of achieving your goals.


My fitness journey started with multiple sports at school and Kung Fu buy the age of 14. Buy the time I was 18 I was a blackbelt instructor and had several kickboxing fights under my belt. Then I discovered Thaiboxing and at the age of 25, I went to Thailand to study the discipline. Upon my return I competed in my first Fight and went on to coach others, establishing my own Thaiboxing Club in 2002, ByDandMauyThai. In 2010 I became a fulltime Gym Manager and Personal Trainer. Furthering my knowledge in level 3 personal trainer, TRX, Kettlebells, Olympic lifting, nutrition, callisthenics (bodyweight gymnastics and strength training) along with mobility, flexibility and GP referral rehabilitation qualifications.


Mark + Scott:
We have been helping clients achieve their fitness goals for over 18 years now since fitness beyond started back in 2005. Between myself and Mark we are both advanced level 3 UK qualified, qualified in diet & nutrition and hold a poliquin strength and condition qualification that is recognised worldwide. At fitness beyond we specialise in 1-2-1 PT body transformation plans and have a high turnover of client results which can be viewed on our social media and on our official website. We also offer an 8 & 12 week online Pt service which is very popular and WE also work with athletes and young players who are looking to improve their sports conditioning for football. These session can be booked as 1-2-1 and small group sessions.

To see some of our client results please visits our website and to view some of our sports conditioning session please follow us on Instagram @fitness_beyond

Any other info required please contact us
